Roses are Rosé Punch

Roses are red. Rosé is good. You’ll like this Rosé punch. We knew you would.

Have you found yourself hosting a Valentine’s or Galentine’s get together this year? This super easy punch will help you get set-up in no time. Allowing you to focus on the more important task, constructing the quintessential Rom-Com line-up.


  • 2 bottles of your favorite Rosé
  • 1 bag frozen raspberries
  • 1 liter pink lemonade
  • 1 liter sparkling peach soda


  1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl
  2. Chill in refridgerator for 80 min.
  3. Strain into a large drink dispensor.
  4. Enjoy!

Topics: recipe, drinks, Valentines Day